Error in function loadImage: The image could not be loaded.

Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.

Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.

Error in function loadImage: The image could not be loaded.

Error in function redimToSize: The original image has not been loaded.

Error in function saveImage: There is no processed image to save.

U četvrtak 9. marta, sa početkom u 18 časova, u bečejskoj Narodnoj biblioteci, održaće se nesvakidašnje poetsko veče "Glumci pesnici" na kojoj će glumac, Nebojša Ilić, govoriti stihove glumaca Zorana Radmilovića, Ljubiše Bačića, Pavla Vujisića, Molijera, Šekspira...